[News] One-stop Link for Various Certifications

Good day, SEA-Teacher family.

We have finally accomplished what we wanted to do for quite a while now, which is to simplify the process for attaining certification.

In the spirit of reducing bureaucracy, you can now submit the required information for attaining various forms of SEA-Teacher certifications through one link: https://forms.gle/DZDwsoURvENMvXsc6

All the instructions are written on the form. Please read them carefully. Receiving institution coordinators will be required to distribute this form to the mentors, practicum school coordinators, cooperating teachers, and buddies for them to be able to obtain their certificates.

The most direct benefit of this new approach is that you do not have to keep filling out the same information repeatedly for various forms. The forms are also integrated in one link instead of separate files. Another benefit of this new approach is that the coordinators of B10-participating institutions will only need to submit the Overall Programme Evaluation Form for Coordinators to obtain your e-Certificate of Participation. You no longer need to also submit the Personnel Database Form.

We also streamlined the certification of the students. It used to be that three certificates would be provided to every student, namely the Certificate of Participation, Certificate of Appreciation, and Certificate of Completion. There is technically no difference between the Certificate of Appreciation and the Certificate of Completion. Therefore, we decided to merge these into one Certificate of Accomplishment. Depending on your student’s blog score and the completion of the forms, the student will either get the e-Certificate of Participation or the e-Certificate of Accomplishment. Full instructions can be found in the Form itself.

If you have already filled out the older version of the 10th Batch Student Teacher Performance and Blog Evaluation Form (SEAMES Version), you can simply upload that through this form as well.

The final deadline for all forms to be submitted to us is 1 September 2025. Overdue submission will NOT be considered. However, *the certificates will be provided on a rolling basis depending on your submission. We aim to collect completed forms at the second week of each month for the certificates to then be issued at the end of the month.

Should you have any question(s), please consult the SEA-Teacher Assistant, accessible through https://seateacher.seameo.org/, or email us at seateacher@seameo.org.